Have you thought about the fact that every single day you could be speaking with, walking past, working with, being mean to someone who has or is experiencing domestic violence? It is true and I bet it never crossed your mind, not once.
We all have a story that began to be written well before the day that we were born. Some stories were written with a ballpoint pen, while others were written with a felt pen that smeared. (Get where I am going with this?)
Place To Prosper Inc. is here to speak about a taboo subject that nobody likes to mention, much least speak openly about. There comes a time when transparency is necessary for the healing to begin. With that being said, Let’s talk DV.

Podcast -
An Evening of Conversation, Transparency, and Truth about Domestic Violence is where we have anonymous open conversations with those who are experiencing DV, have survived DV or have lost a family/friend due to DV. We want to give you a voice to be heard and a place to share with others that they are not alone in this fight. Join me and share your story. I would like to share my story.
Blog / Guest Blogger - The blog is a place to inspire and empower readers. If you would like to be a guest blogger and anonymously submit a post for our reading audience, feel free to do so. Let’s inspire folks together. Guest Blogger
Unspoken Tears / Guest Speaker - This is an interactive workshop environment. A place to be real, honest, and open, all while speaking life into those who have not found their voice. If you would like to join us at an event and be a guest speaker, let us know if you are interested. I would like to be a Guest Speaker